Should You Care About Social Media Analytics?

There are over 3.8 billion people on social media around the world. That’s a lot of people to advertise too, and a lot of businesses to compete with. That’s why using social media analytics is so important.

What are social media analytics? Social media analytics is all the data about your customers the social media platforms are gathering. Combining the data from multiple steams and platforms can give you a lot of information about your customers.  

Here’s are some things you can learn:

  • – What platforms your customers prefer to engage on
  • – What content do your customers enjoy most
  • – What type of campaign or advertising works for them?
  • – Do they have any other hobbies or interests?
  • – More specific customer analytics, such as age or gender

What have your learned from your social media analytics?


What’s Your Customer Journey?

In 2020 we have lost many personal or face to face connections with customers. Therefore, digital marketing has to feel more personal. How? Focusing on your customer’s journey is the first step.

What is a customer journey? The customer journey is the order of all of your customers interactions and experiences with your company and brand. It is often illustrated in map form.

How can you build a customer journey?

Step one, who are your current customers? Analyze your first party data. What does your average customer “look” like? What is their age, gender, occupation? Do they have any specific interests or hobbies?

Step two, who are your potentials? Once you know who your average customer is you can build a look-a-like report to gain more prospects. (What is a look-a-like report? Get more information here.)

Step three, map their journey. How do they first hear about your brand? What are going to be their first interactions? What happens before they buy something? What happens after?

Here’s how that could be illustrated:

Blast marketing campaigns aren’t nearly as effective as they used to be. Building a campaign based on your customer’s journey can greatly increase your conversions and long-time customer loyalty. (One study found conversions were boosted over 300%!)

How can you use customer journeys?